Nothing Really Matters

Daily writing prompt
What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

What makes a good life? I will make the premise that a good life is equal to a pleasurable life. It is in our nature as humans to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Pleasurable things are subjective and dependent upon an individual’s circumstances and values. People in third-world countries, for example, are content with having lots of kids because they think that the more, the merrier. Despite having so little, they seem to be the happiest. Others chase career success, hoping it will bring fulfillment. But this premise crumbles when confronted with the fleeting nature of feelings. Happiness is transient; the relentless pursuit of it inevitably leads to suffering.

So what’s the point? Is there a kind of happiness that endures? After pondering upon it, I realize that there is no point. I would even argue that for some (like me), there is more suffering to life than happiness. Meaningful relationships can crumble, fulfilling work can become drudgery, health deteriorates, and personal growth stalls. The things we deem essential for a good life are fragile and temporary. That is not to say that we should end it all. We are already here, entangled in the absurdity of existence, so we might as well play the game and savor the fleeting moments of joy. As Martin Heidegger aptly put it, we are all beings-towards-death. Life is a march towards an inevitable end, and in the face of this absurdity, meaning is but a fleeting illusion.

Therefore, the most important things needed to live a good life are ultimately inconsequential in the grand scheme. Nothing matters. Though might as well enjoy the little things since there’s nothing we can do anyway.

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