Here by chance, not by choice

Daily writing prompt
If humans had taglines, what would yours be?

We are all born without our consent. From the moment we were born, we are thrust into a life shaped by circumstances beyond our control. In my case, those circumstances have often been unfavorable. During the toughest times, I can’t help but think, “I wish I was never born.”

2 responses to “Here by chance, not by choice”

  1. Muasya Wakilango Avatar
    Muasya Wakilango

    Your reflection on the lack of consent in our birth and the challenges imposed by circumstances resonates with the universal experience of grappling with life’s unpredictability. Your sentiment of wishing you were never born during tough times speaks to the profound impact of adversity on our well-being. While these feelings are difficult, acknowledging them is crucial for healing and resilience. Remember, you’re not alone in your struggles, and there is strength in sharing your truth with others.


  2. All the Right that's left Avatar
    All the Right that’s left

    You can only be strong if you have to fight. No one is really impressed by the guy who was born with a silver spoon up his butt. The self-made are impressive because they create who they are and see who they want to be. It is the fight to get there that makes you strong.


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